Data i hora a Andorra: 22 de October de 2024 20:40


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C/ B.Riberaygua, 39, 4-3
AD500 Andorra la Vella
Principat d'Andorra

New regulation of the .ad domain

This new regulation is implemented in two phases:

  • Transition/Opening phase

1st period: from 22/05/2024 to 04/09/2024

During this period, “.ad” domains can continue to be requested based on word trademarks and commercial names registered in the Principality of Andorra.

These domains will be operational once the domain manager, “Andorra Telecom”, validates them.

Domains requested during this first period based on device trademarks registered in Andorra will become operational from September 4th, 2024.

During this first period, “.ad” domains can also be requested based on the corporate names of Andorran legal entities, trademarks registered outside Andorra, names of individuals residing in Andorra, and existing domains from other TLDs (.com, .net, .cat…).

These domains, once validated by Andorra Telecom, will become operational from September 4th, 2024.

2nd period: from 05/09/2024 to 16/10/2024

In addition to the conditions of the first period, this second period will allow any individual or legal entity wishing to have a “.ad” domain to apply. 

If the applicant holds a trademark right in any jurisdiction or owns another primary domain different froom “.ad”, they will have priority right in case of conflict with third parties. All these domains, once validated, will become operational from October 16th, 2024.

  • General Availability Phase from 22/10/2024. First come, fisrt served. 

Andorra Telecom, the regulatory authority for the “.ad” domain, reserves the right to reject, suspend, or cancel any registered domain that, in its judgment, does not comply with the regulations. In such cases, the registration fee previously paid will be refunded.

Find your

Quins noms de domini estan permesos.

Un nom de domini de DNS de segon nivell sota "ad" només es pot registrar si reuneix els requisits següents:

- Compleix les normes de sintaxi

a. Les lletres de l'alfabet, els números ("0"-"9") i el guionet ("-").

b. El primer i l'últim caràcter de domini no pot ser el guionet (-).

c. La longitud mínima admesa per un domini de segon nivell sota "ad" és de 3 caràcters fins a 63.


- No està comprès dintre de les prohibicions absolutes que són,

No coincidir amb un nom de domini de DNS de primer nivell (TLD's) o de país (RFC1394), ISO 3166 (codis de país).

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